Meet Samaí

Samaí was a very nice person to photograph! Despite the hot temperature, she held up very well in her beautiful purple dress. The temperature that day was around the 90s so we both definitely broke a bit of a sweat. Little details like her bouquet and her small crown are a very elegant way to take photos! Her dress was a detail I definitely didn't want to leave out, as it has a really nice flower design, that really popped when contrasted with the green hedges.

Overall this was a quick photoshoot that lasted about an hour. But after looking at the images it was a very successful 60min session! We experimented a bit with the stairs and the green hedges. Green hedges are a very nice way to make your subject pop, especially on nice sunny days.

The Location - Cascades Park

The location is a great one. Simple, small, and conveniently located a few miles from home. Many photographers come here to take photos because of its nice green grass and the side hedges that surround it. The water fountain is another nice feature of this location. Water is constantly flowing and provides a zen-like feel to the place.

Cascade Park, Monterrey Park, CA

Samaí's 14th Presentation

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